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Injective $INJ — Complete staking guide — Imperator.co

Imperator.co becomes Injective network validator. Buy $INJ via Binance/Osmosis, stake on Injective Hub with Imperator.co. Earn rewards, 21-day unbonding.




Sep 13, 2022

Injective complete staking guide, featuring the Injective Protocol logo, brought to you by Imperator.co, set against an eye-catching background with a bold color palette of reds and blues.
Injective complete staking guide, featuring the Injective Protocol logo, brought to you by Imperator.co, set against an eye-catching background with a bold color palette of reds and blues.
Injective complete staking guide, featuring the Injective Protocol logo, brought to you by Imperator.co, set against an eye-catching background with a bold color palette of reds and blues.

We are very excited to announce that Imperator.co is now a validator on the Injective network!

This article aims to introduce Injective, explain how to buy $INJ and help you stake your $INJ tokens with a validator.

📌 What is Injective?

Injective is Layer 1 blockchain fully optimized for decentralized finance applications. It’s a blockchain where developers can find robust out-of-the-box modules such as a completely decentralized orderbook that can be utilized to build a diverse array of sophisticated applications.

Injective is built using the Cosmos SDK and is IBC-enabled, meaning that users can easily transfer assets from IBC chains like the Cosmos Hub or Osmosis to the Injective network. Injective is also connected to Ethereum, meaning that the blockchain is a hub that attracts users from both Cosmos and Ethereum.

Recently, Injective launched Helix which is a fully decentralized on-chain order book exchange. The interface is very similar to what you can see on a CEX such as Binance or FTX, except that everything is on-chain, fully decentralized and you’re the only owner of your funds!

Link: https://helixapp.com/

🏦 How to buy $INJ?

I recommend to have a Keplr wallet to use Injective. If you don’t know how to get a Keplr wallet, you can check our article here or our video here.

Method 1: Buy $INJ on Binance

The $INJ is available on Binance, meaning you can easily transfer your $INJ from Binance directly to your INJ address.

Here are the different steps:

  1. Put your Injective address (the one on your Keplr wallet starting by “inj…”)*****

  2. Select the network INJ

  3. Select the amount you want to withdraw

  4. Withdraw the amount to your Injective address

Note: Please start with a little amount first to be sure that everything works correctly.

*If you do not have the Injective Network on your Keplr wallet, do the following steps:

  1. Go to the Injective Hub

  2. Connect your Keplr wallet

  3. Approve to add the Injective network

4. You now have the Injective Network and your INJ address on Keplr!

Method 2:

Buy $INJ on Osmosis and Bridge to Injective

The $INJ token is also available on Osmosis directly. Therefore you can buy on Osmosis and use the Injective bridge to send your tokens from Osmosis to Injective.

Here are the different steps:

  1. Go to Osmosis and buy INJ

2. Go to the Injective Bridge, select Osmosis and choose the amount of $INJ you want to transfer from Osmosis to Injective. Then click on “Transfer now”

3. Confirm the transaction and approve it on your Keplr wallet (it takes a few seconds).

You now have $INJ on the Injective network on your Keplr wallet!

💰 What is Staking?

Staking is the process of locking up a digital asset to provide economic security for a public blockchain. You have the superpower to contribute to the network’s security and it grants you the right to vote on proposals and make decisions on the future of the blockchain.

When the staking transaction is complete, rewards will start to be generated immediately. At any time, stakers can send a transaction to claim their accumulated rewards.

Staking rewards are generated and distributed to staked holders in two ways:

  1. Through transaction fees collected by the network and distributed to stakers.

  2. Through the inflation rate, the total supply is inflated to reward stakers.

⚠️ Holders that do not stake do not receive rewards, meaning their capital gets diluted over time.

Staking is not risk-free. If a validator has downtime or underperforms, a percentage of tokens delegated to them may be forfeited. To mitigate these risks, it is recommended that holders delegate to multiple validators.

📚 How to stake $INJ?

Once you have $INJ on your wallet, you just have to go to the “Staking” part available on the Injective Hub.

You will see a list of different validators there.

If you are looking for trustworthy validator and if you appreciate our work to help the community, you can stake with Imperator.co using this link.

Now you just have to click on delegate, select the amount you want to delegate and confirm the transactions.

You are now staking with Imperator.co, congratulations! 👏

Please note that there is an unbouding time of 21 days.

Thank you very much for your support, we hope that this article was helpful. If it was the case, the best way to support us is by staking some of your tokens with Imperator.co. Thanks again and see you on our next article!

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