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Evmos $EVMOS — Complete staking guide — Imperator.co

Evmos live on Cosmos; EVM-compatible, ERC-20 module. Claim $EVMOS via Keplr/Metamask; stake with Imperator.co for network security and rewards.




Apr 29, 2022

Evmos complete staking guide, adorned with the Evmos logo, presented by Imperator.co, against a gradient backdrop that flows from a deep mocha to a vibrant cerulean sky.
Evmos complete staking guide, adorned with the Evmos logo, presented by Imperator.co, against a gradient backdrop that flows from a deep mocha to a vibrant cerulean sky.
Evmos complete staking guide, adorned with the Evmos logo, presented by Imperator.co, against a gradient backdrop that flows from a deep mocha to a vibrant cerulean sky.

Everybody was waiting for this moment… the Evmos mainnet is live again! 🚀

Evmos is one of the most awaited projects of 2022 for the whole Cosmos ecosystem. This launch is a step further towards the extension of Cosmos, as Evmos will bring new users within our environment. Imperator.co is a genesis validator on Evmos and we are glad to secure the network 💪.

As part of our contribution for the community, we created this step by step guide to present the project, claim your airdrop and show you how to stake your $EVMOS tokens.

Let’s start👇

🪐 What is Evmos?

Very simple, Evmos is “EVM-on-Cosmos”, it is the first project that brings EVM-compatibility on Cosmos. Evmos is a chain that is interoperable with:

  • Ethereum Mainnet

  • EVM-compatible environments

  • Other IBC chains

making it easy for users and developers to move value between chains.

Evmos created an ERC-20 module that allows users to instantly convert ERC20 tokens into native Cosmos Coins and vice versa. This will allow users to exchange assets interchangeably in two entirely different layers, the EVM and Cosmos.

We know that a major part of Defi comes from EVMs chains and Evmos is the easiest way to link major Defi protocols with the Cosmos ecosystem, you just bring the best of both worlds: EVM compatibility and battle-tested smart contracts with IBC technology. Many new users will start their journey on Cosmos thanks to Evmos, and they will understand the power of an interoperable ecosystem.

$EVMOS’s utility

$EVMOS is used to pay fees and to secure the network through staking. But it’s not only that, $EVMOS is also used by the community to determine future governance decisions, it is the first token on an EVM chain that drives governance outcomes.

The initial supply of $EVMOS is 200 million tokens at genesis.

Token distribution at Genesis

🪂 Rektdrop: Get your $EVMOS


Check your eligibility to the Rektdrop by connecting your Keplr wallet OR your Metamask here: https://app.evmos.org/mission-control. The criteria to be eligible are the following:

Airdrop eligibility

You can claim your airdrop on April 29th, 2022 at 16:00:00 UTC. There are 4 steps to get 100% of your airdrop, each one unlocks 25% of your total claimable $EVMOS. The steps are:

  1. Vote on a governance proposal

  2. Stake $EVMOS to a Validator

  3. Execute a cross-chain transfer between Evmos and Osmosis/Cosmos Hub

  4. Interact with dApps deployed on Evmos

Claim on Metamask 🦊

1.Add Evmos network

Use https://chainlist.org/, search for “Evmos”, connect the wallet and add the chain.

2. Go to the Dashboard

Go here: https://app.evmos.org/mission-control

Connect your wallet using Metamask

3. Check your total token Claimable to see if you are eligible

4. Click on “Claim Rektdrop” on the leftNow complete all the different tasks to get 100% of your airdrop. 🎉 ⚠️ You can claim your airdrop on April 29th, 2022 at 16:00:00 UTC only.

Claim on Keplr ⚛️

1.Go to the Dashboard

Go here: https://app.evmos.org/mission-control

Connect your wallet using Keplr

2. Check your total token claimable

3. If you are eligible, click on Import

4. You will have a message to import tokens

Select the Metamask icon, and then confirm by clicking on the import button.

5. Approve the transaction

Sign the cross-chain transaction that will perform an interchain transfer from the Osmosis chain to an Evmos address, generated via Metamask.

6. After a few minutes, your interchain transfer will be executed

The Rektdrop on Cosmos/Osmosis will be imported to your Metamask account.

To check that, just disconnect your Keplr and connect your Metamask instead. Then, connect your Metamask on the dashboard page to see your airdrop

💰 What is Staking?

Staking is the process of locking up a digital asset to provide economic security for a public blockchain. You have the superpower to contribute to the network’s security and it grants you the right to vote on proposals and make decisions on the future of the blockchain.

When the staking transaction is complete, rewards will start to be generated immediately. At any time, stakers can send a transaction to claim their accumulated rewards.

Staking rewards are generated and distributed to staked holders in two ways:

  1. Through transaction fees collected by the network and distributed to stakers.

  2. Through the inflation rate, the total supply is inflated to reward stakers.

⚠️ Holders that do not stake do not receive rewards, meaning their capital gets diluted over time.

Staking is not risk-free. If a validator has downtime or underperforms, a percentage of tokens delegated to them may be forfeited. To mitigate these risks, it is recommended that holders delegate to multiple validators.

📚 How to stake $EVMOS?

Go here: https://app.evmos.org/staking and connect your wallet (Keplr OR Metamask, as you wish)

Connect your Keplr or Metamask

On the left, go to “Staking”

Click on Staking

Click on “View Validators” to see the list of all validators.

Once you’ve clicked on it, you will see a list of different Validators, select the one you want. If you do not know which validator to choose, you can choose Imperator.co which is our validator.

Select Imperator.co

Imperator is a professional proof-of-stake validator on the Cosmos ecosystem, we provide a reliable infrastructure and support more than 20 blockchains. We are genesis validator on the Evmos blockchain with a commission of 5%.

Click on “Manage”


Now you can Delegate to Imperator by clicking on “Delegate”. Then, Select the amount of Evmos you want to delegate and click on “Delegate” again.

Select amount and delegate

Approve the transaction and this is it! You are now staking with Imperator.co

You are now staking with Imperator.co

You have now staked your $EVMOS, congratulations! 👏

⚠️ Staking rewards will only be activated on phase 3 which corresponds to 5–6 days after launch. Check this tweet 👇

Thank you very much for your support, we hope that this article was helpful. If it was the case, please show us your support by clapping for this article. 🔥

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